Policing: An International Journal: Volume 23 Issue 1
Table of contents
Training in community policing: A suggested curriculum
Michael J. Palmiotto, Michael L. Birzer, N. Prabha UnnithanThe widespread acceptance of community policing necessitates the need for training of recruits into its philosophy and practices. We provide a suggested curriculum for such…
Night walking safety and overall satisfaction with police services
Ozhand Ganjavi, Rolland LeBrasseur, Robert WhissellThis is a report based on a survey that was conducted in the Regional Municipality of Sudbury, Ontario Canada, which includes a medium‐size city and its surrounding towns. The…
The attitudes of juveniles toward the police: A comparison of black and white youth
Yolander G. Hurst, James Frank, Sandra Lee BrowningThe relationship between race and attitudes toward the police has been the subject of numerous studies since the, 1960s. Unfortunately, only a limited number of studies have…
An examination of the convergence and divergence of internal and external allegations of misconduct filed against police officers
Kim Michelle Lersch, Tom MieczkowskiThe use of citizen complaints as a valid and reliable measure of actual police behavior has often been criticized. It is the purpose of this study to validate the use of…
Work demographics and officers’ perceptions of the work environment which add to the prediction of at risk alcohol consumption within an Australian police sample
Jeremy D. Davey, Patricia L. Obst, Mary C. SheehanThis study examined aspects of the work environment, which may impact on individual police officers’ risk of harm from alcohol consumption. A self report survey containing…
The effects of work orientations on job satisfaction among sheriffs’ deputies practicing community‐oriented policing
Amy J. Halsted, Max L. Bromley, John K. CochranNumerous prior studies have explored the level of job satisfaction of police officers. Some research has also focused on officer perceptions of community policing as practiced in…
Discretion and gender disproportionality in police disciplinary systems
Matthew J. Hickman, Alex R. Piquero, Jack R. GreenePolice supervisor decision making with regard to disciplinary action has received scant empirical study in general, and has yet to be examined across gender. In this paper, we use…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings