Policing: An International Journal: Volume 21 Issue 4

Table of contents

Handling emergency calls for service: organizational production of crime statistics

Dale K. Nesbary

This paper reviews the transformation of requests for police services, specifically examining the various categories of assault. The impact of housing, race, education level…


Police stress: does department size matter?

Laure Weber Brooks, Nicole Leeper Piquero

The present research involves surveying police officers from ten police departments (N = 2,316) to determine if the size of the agency affects police stress ratings. Nine stress…


Policing in public housing: Using calls for service to examine incident‐based workload in the Philadelphia Housing Authority

Robert J. Kane

The present analysis examines police incident‐based activity in a public housing setting. Calls for service to the Philadelphia Housing Authority Police Department are described…


Self‐evaluations of police performance: An analysis of the relationship between police officers’ education level and job performance

Suman Kakar

This study examines whether police officers’ level of education is associated with their perceptions of performance of duties and delivery of services. Using self report survey…


Law enforcement responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Selected findings and suggestions for future research

R. Alan Thompson, James W. Marquart

Much attention is given to the topic of HIV/ AIDS within the general population and several specific professions, namely the medical and related health‐care fields. By comparison…


The socio‐political context of zero tolerance policing strategies

Roger Hopkins Burke

This paper commences with the recognition that so‐called zero tolerance policing strategies have been implemented and sustained ‐ both in the USA and Britain ‐ in response to a…


The effect of a violent televised arrest on public perceptions of the police: A partial test of Easton’s theoretical framework

Robert J. Kaminski, Eric S. Jefferis

A sizable literature exists showing that the general public is supportive of the police, but that substantial differences exist in levels of support among minorities and whites…


Mounted police forces: a comparative history

Mitchel Roth

This paper is a historical survey of the mounted police tradition. The earliest historical references to mounted police can be traced to King Charles’ Articles of War, published…


Japanese policing ‐ an American invention

Paul Chwialkowski

In the 1990s, the renewed scholarly interest in community policing includes more comparative and historical research, with many studies focusing on Japan. This article presents…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings