Policing: An International Journal: Volume 20 Issue 2
Table of contents
Violent rape and bite marks: the use of forensic odontology and ultraviolet lighting
Phyllis Gray‐Ray, Christopher Hensley, Edward BrennanRape is one of the most heinous and underreported crimes against women. However, if women knew about recent technological advances in the war on rape, maybe they would report the…
Problem‐oriented policing in public housing: identifying the distribution of problem places
Lorraine Green Mazerolle, William TerrillDescribes a problem‐oriented policing program in Jersey City that seeks to identify, analyze, and target drug, disorder, and violent crime problems in public housing. Describes…
Michigan Emergency Response Study: Phase III: Implications of the failure to report pursuits and inaccurate accident reporting ‐ a research note
Dennis M. PayneThis analysis is the result of Phase III of the Michigan Emergency Response Study. A check of traffic tickets issued by the State Police officers during Phase II MERS revealed…
First Amendment civil liability against law enforcement supervisors for violating their subordinates’ rights to engage in overt political expression
Michael S. VaughnExplores the issue of Section 1983 civil liability against law enforcement supervisors who infringe on their employees’ First Amendment rights to support political candidates and…
The communication of innovation in American policing
Alexander WeissReports on the innovations process in American policing. Explores how information about innovation is communicated among police organizations and the factors which influence…
Public evaluations of police performance: an analysis across three levels of policing
Michael D. Reisig, Mark E. CorreiaResearch focussing on US citizen attitudes of police has concentrated on city policing agencies, neglecting varying attitudes toward county and state police. Attempts to fill this…
Police tactics in incidents with mentally disturbed persons
Robert Panzarella, Justin O. AliceaIn recent years police departments have responded to increasing numbers of incidents involving mentally disturbed people. Data for this study were drawn from a survey of 90…
Can an old dog be taught new tricks?: Teaching cultural diversity to police officers
Larry A. GouldOne of the most consistent complaints from the leaders in minority communities is that police officers are not sufficiently sensitive to differing cultures. In response to this…
An analysis of the rates of accidents, injuries and fatalities under different light conditions: A Michigan Emergency Response Study of state police pursuits
Dennis M. Payne, John C. FenskeAccidents, injuries and fatalities resulting from state police pursuits conducted during the Michigan Emergency Response Study (MERS) were compared with non‐pursuit police…
Nightsticks to knighthood: A case for articulation of community policing’s divergent themes
William DeLeon GranadosCommunity policing provides an opportunity to embrace a form of justice very different, and potentially more effective in controlling deviance, than our traditional concepts…
Nice guys finish last: A critical review of Killed in the Line of Duty
William R. King, Beth A. SandersIn 1992, the FBI published the report Killed in the Line of Duty: A Study of Selected Felonious Killings of Law Enforcement Officers. This study of 51 incidents in which law…
Construction of offender profiles using fuzzy logic
Arvind VermaAlthough fuzzy logic is being extensively used in electronics and mathematical sciences, it has found little or no application in the social sciences, especially criminology. As a…
Work assignments and police work: Exploring the work world of sworn officers in four New Mexico police departments
L. Thomas Winfree, David Guiterman, G. Larry MaysSince the creation of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in 1968 there has been a tremendous amount of research on policing, police officers and police departments in…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings