Journal of Communication Management: Volume 18 Issue 1

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Table of contents

The role and status of communication practice in the USA and Europe

Jerry Swerling, Kjerstin Thorson, Ansgar Zerfass

The purpose of this paper is to explore trends in practitioners’ perceptions of their role within organizations as well as their influence among senior management both in the USA…


From ad-man to digital manager: Professionalization through Swedish job advertisements 1960-2010

Maria Ellinor Rosén

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze changes in the descriptions and requirements of professional communicators in Swedish job advertisements between 1960 and…


How publics react to crisis communication efforts : Comparing crisis response reactions across sub-arenas

W. Timothy Coombs, Sherry Jean Holladay

The purpose of this paper is to provide a rationale and framework for examining stakeholder reactions to crisis communication messages in various social media channels…


How others see us: leaders’ perceptions of communication and communication managers

Peggy Simcic Brønn

This paper aims to assess other leaders’ perceptions of the importance and contribution of communication to organizational success and the abilities of their communication…


Dialogic communication and media relations in non-governmental organizations

Seow Ting Lee, Mallika Hemant Desai

The purpose of this paper is to seek to clarify the conceptual building blocks of relationship building between non-governmental groups (NGOs) and news media, which is essential…


The evidence of compelling arguments in agenda building: Relationships among public information subsidies, media coverage, and risk perceptions during a pandemic outbreak

Hyejoon Rim, Jin Hong Ha, Spiro Kiousis

– This paper aims to explore the links among health authorities’ public relations efforts, news media coverage, and public perceptions of risk during the H1N1 pandemic outbreak.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Jesper Falkheimer