Journal of Clinical Effectiveness: Volume 3 Issue 2

Table of contents

Appraising the evidence for practice: what do nurses need?

Anne Mulhall, Caroline Alexander, Andrée le May

Currently there is a widespread movement, not only amongst practitioners but also managers, purchasers and policy makers, to promote evidence‐based health care. There is therefore…


Research utilization in nursing: barriers and opportunities

Andrée le May, Caroline Alexander, Anne Mulhall

This paper describes a recent study which investigated the research culture of 21 nurses, midwives and health visitors and their nine managers in three Trusts in England. Data…


Patient‐specific deterrents and GP referral for radiographic examination: a comparison between two distinct general practice communities

Nick Summerton, Rabi Paes, Judith Parker

Within Calderdale and Kirklees Health Authority area there are two distinct groups of general practitioners (GPs) ‐Huddersfield and Halifax. Following a small pilot study, a…


Clinical effectiveness: the potential for change in maternity care

Zafar Iqbal, Michael Clarke, David J. Taylor

Aim: To assess the potential for improved clinical effectiveness through the use of research‐based evidence in obstetric care. Design: A questionnaire survey to obtain evidence…


Electroconvulsive therapy audit

Peter Bentham, Liam Callinan, Sylvia Rodriguez‐Fererra, Martin Stevens

An audit of ECT practice against Royal College of Psychiatrists guidelines was conducted within a health authority with a known high rate of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT…


Variations in general practice prescribing: a multilevel model approach to determine the impact of practice characteristics, including fundholding and training status

Guy Houghton, Mark S. Gihhorpe

Monthly prescribing behaviour is assessed over a 3‐year period, 1 April 1992 to 31 March 1995. Total monthly number of items prescribed and overall net ingredient cost are…


Participation levels in local clinical audit: a pilot study comparison between health care professionals

A.D. Millard, S. MacArthur, D. McLackland

The aims were to evaluate the impact of clinical audit on health professionals' clinical practice by measuring baseline participation levels for comparison with future studies of…


An audit of anticoagulant guidelines: the relative influence of education, presentation and complexity of guidelines on compliance

Graham Bradley

Because of a high incidence of bleeding complications, guidelines for the use of anticoagulants were introduced in our two acute district hospitals and audited on three occasions…




Online date, start – end:

1996 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited