Journal of Clinical Effectiveness: Volume 2 Issue 3

Table of contents

Information to facilitate patient involvement in decision‐making — some issues

Vikki A. Entwistle, Ian S. Watt, Amanda J. Sowden

The idea that patients should be informed about the benefits and risks of treatment options and involved in decisions about their care is, to many people, appealing and sensible…


Breast cancer: development of a patient‐focused audit tool

Alison Round, Ann Brackenridge, Jonathan W. Stead

Aims: To produce an audit tool which incorporates patient views on the whole process of care, for use in any district. Design and methods: A steering group with multi‐professional…


Audit as a method of reducing benzodiazepine prescribing in general practice

Ian M. Hughes, John D. Holden, Andrea M. Tree

Background: Many audits in primary care can be criticized because of the absence of verifiable data to measure outcomes, and the lack of a non‐participating group against which to…


Out‐of‐hours operating — failure to close the audit cycle

Krishna V. Menon, Tom Bates

A prospective study of all out‐of‐hours operations performed in a district general hospital was undertaken over two periods. During the first period (1 month) facilities for…


Cost‐effectiveness of routine cytological cervical surveillance following treatment for carcinoma of cervix

Peter Bliss, Peter A. Trott, Peter R. Blake

Objectives: The cost‐effectiveness of routine cervical cytology during follow‐up after treatment for carcinoma of cervix is examined. Subjects: All patients having routine…




Online date, start – end:

1996 – 1998

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Emerald Publishing Limited