Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: Volume 28 Issue 3


An International Journal

Table of contents

The effect of perceived scarcity on impulse-buying tendencies in a fast fashion context: A mediating and multigroup analysis

Hakan Cengiz, Mehmet Şenel

This study investigates the relationships between perceived scarcity, fear of missing out (FOMO) and impulse-buying tendencies (IBT) in the fast fashion context in both scarcity…


Impact of sex in luxury fashion advertisements on brand attractiveness and identification

Alyssa Dana Adomaitis, Diana Saiki, Juan del Pozo Severino

This study examined perceived brand attractiveness of and identification with fashion luxury brands given different levels of sexuality in advertisements. Sex in advertisements…

Factors influencing older adults' intention to use virtual fitting room technology during the COVID-19 pandemic

Chanmi Hwang, Byoungho Jin, Linfeng Song, Jing Feng

The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence older adults' intention to use virtual fitting room technology during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the…

The impact of servitization on perceived quality, purchase intentions and recommendation intentions in the ready-to-wear sector

Petek Tosun, Gökhan Tosun

This study examines the impact of servitization in the form of repair and maintenance services on consumers' quality perceptions, purchase intentions and recommendation intentions…

Do cosmopolitans care about the world? The effect of cosmopolitanism on the consumption of sustainable apparel

Maria S. Soledad Gil, Jin Su, Kittichai Watchravesringkan, Vasyl Taras

The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the impact of cosmopolitan consumer orientation (CCO) on sustainable apparel consumer behavior.

Trend tracking tools for the fashion industry: the impact of social media

Alex Rudniy, Olena Rudna, Arim Park

This paper seeks to demonstrate the value of using social media to capture fashion trends, including the popularity of specific features of clothing, in order to improve the speed…


Who still shops at omnichannel fashion department stores? An analysis of generational cohorts and intent to purchase

Cydni Meredith Robertson, Caroline Kopot

While today's customer steadily adapts to various modes of shopping, their beliefs around fluency through each shopping channel, and personal factors such as income level, can…

Millennial perceptions of private label and national brand apparel

Katelyn Sorensen, Jennifer Johnson Jorgensen

This paper aims to use Q methodology to investigate Millennial perceptions toward private label or national brand apparel.

Why do and why don't consumers use fashion rental services? A consumption value perspective

Heeju Noe, Jonghan Hyun

The study utilized the consumption value theory to explore the motivational factors that define and differentiate the users and nonusers of fashion rental services

Understanding the impact of fashion app emotional attachment on consumer responses: the role of e-servicescape, customer experience and perceived value of online shopping

Vipul V. Patel, Richa Pandit, Ramzan Sama

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between conumers' emotional attachment towards fashion apps and positive behavioral outcomes, such as e-WoM and…

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  • Dr Steven Hayes