Journal of Financial Crime: Volume 5 Issue 4


Table of contents

Insider Trading Regulation: A Developing State's Perspective

Philip Summe, Kimberly A. McCoy

Throughout the history of commerce, individuals have searched for informational advantages that will lead to their enrichment. In a time of global capital markets, 24 hours a day…

Combating Criminal Transactions in Russo‐West Trade and the Need for a European Cooperation Framework

Timur Sinuraya

There is an opinion among decision makers in Western Europe that as far as the ‘Russian organised crime’ problem is concerned it will be largely restricted to Russia and that the…

Will Corruption Ever Be Curbed in the Banking Industry?

Yik Koon Teh

What do people mean by corruption? Corruption was defined by Brooks in 1910 as ‘the international misperformance or neglect of a recognised duty, or the unwarranted exercise of…

BCCI: The Priority of Kings, or What's More Dangerous, the Cavalry or the Indians?

Henry H. Rossbacher, Tracy W. Young

Is suing the international criminal the same as or different from suing the domestic criminal? The question assumes at least part of the answer. Many of the practical problems are…

Do the UK's Provisions for Confiscation Orders Breach the European Convention on Human Rights?

Richard Alexander

For just over a decade now, it has been a principle enshrined in UK legislation that a criminal should not be allowed to retain the proceeds of his offences. The main impetus was…

Recent Developments Regarding the Misappropriation Theory in Securities Fraud Actions

Charles E. Dorkey

On 25th June, 1997, the US Supreme Court issued an important decision in which it endorsed an expanded theory of insider trading liability under the federal securities laws. In…

Risk Management in the Private Banking Sector: Federal Reserve Bank of New York Issues New Guidelines

Anita Ramasastry

In July 1997, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) issued a paper on ‘Guidance on Sound Risk Management Practices Governing Private Banking Activities’ (the ‘Guidelines’)…

Botswana: A Paradigm of International Proportions

Virginia L. Towler

The full title of this paper should really follow with ‘Can the Stone‐Age Wheels of Justice Combat Corruption and White‐Collar Crime or Should We Learn to Become Better Drivers?’.

Estonia: Counterfeit Money in the Republic

Ando Leps

Counterfeiting of money or securities, or use of counterfeit money or securities is examined in Article 85 of the Estonian Criminal Code. According to its disposition…

South Africa: Money Laundering

Elizabeth Turkson

The Fifteenth International Symposium on Economic Crime, on the subject of ‘The Globalisation of Crime — the electronic dimension’ was held at Jesus College, Cambridge University…

Sweden: Fraud and Abuse of Welfare Systems

Bo Sandberg

The issue of fraud and the abuse of the social welfare system has become increasingly topical in most industrial countries with the greater difficulty in funding public sector…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Li Hong Xing
  • Prof Barry Rider