Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 6 Issue 1

Table of contents

The unfashionable Drucker: ethical and quality chic

James S. Bowman, Dennis L. Wittmer

Representing the soft and hard sides of management, ethics and quality are core aspects of an organization. Both are a philosophy as well as a process that seek to optimize…


If apples were oranges: the public/nonprofit/business nexus in Peter Drucker’s work

Mary E. Guy, Janice R. Hitchcock

The authors review Peter Drucker’s writings, framing them within the context of his formative years. Moving to an analysis of the lens through which he views business, nonprofits…


Drucker on effective public management

James A. Gazell

Management historians have devoted attention to writer Peter F. Drucker’s thoughts about directing businesses successfully but may have overlooked (or been unaware of) his…




Online date, start – end:

1995 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Management Decision