Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 3 Issue 1

Table of contents

The Principles of Scientific Management by Fred Taylor: Exposures in print beyond the private printing

Carol Carlson Dean

This paper documents the publishing exposure of Frederick W. Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management subsequent to the February 1911 private printing. In doing so, the…


The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick W. Taylor: the private printing

Carol Carlson Dean

The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick W. Taylor began as the text of a fireside lecture and evolved into a classic work of the Scientific Management Era. Taylor…


Primer of Scientific Management by Frank B. Gilbreth: A response to publication of Taylor’s Principles in The American Magazine

Carol Carlson Dean

Response to the serialized publication of Frederick W. Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management (1911) in The American Magazine was in two forms: (a) letters‐to‐the‐editor…


African‐American insurance enterprises: An early vehicle for economic and social development

Michael A. Plater

The study analyzes different early African‐American life insurance enterprises and illustrates how these organizations significantly influenced both cultural and economic…


A new method of discovering primary management history: two examples where “little things mean a lot”

Charles D. Wrege, Ronald G. Greenwood, Regina Greenwood

Outlines a new method of discovering original documents related to management history. Uses seemingly insignificant statements in books, articles or original documents to locate…




Online date, start – end:

1995 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Management Decision