Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 2 Issue 1
Table of contents
Weber’s political ethics and the problem of dirty hands
Daniel R. SabiaDiscussions of political ethics, and of the problem of dirty hands, often cite Max Weber’s comments on these subjects, especially as presented in “Politics as a vocation”. Offers…
The contemporary challenge to the administrative state: a Weberian analysis
Arthur A. Felts, Philip H. JosExamines the current attack on the legitimacy of the administrative state, and the question of how public administration should respond, in light of Weber’s account of…
Max Weber and US public administration: the administrator as neutral servant
Brian R. Fry, Lloyd G. NigroCompares and contrasts the writings of Max Weber and the US literature on public administration on the question of the appropriate role of the administrator in the political…
Rethinking relationships in governing: some Weberian distinctions
Larkin S. DudleyUses the distinctions Max Weber draws between means and ends of economics and politics in Economy and Society to explore why the discussion of ends may be neglected in current…
Towards a Weberian management theory: lessons from Lowell Bennion’s neglected masterwork
Laurie Newman DiPadovaReviews the roots of management theory, and discusses how, in the early part of this century, an overlooked, different interpretation of Max Weber’s work could have affected those…