Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 1 Issue 3

Table of contents

Henri Fayol: learning from experience

Daniel A. Wren

Examines the debate about the value of the experiences ofpractising managers in building management theory. Henri Fayol, anadvocate of the experimental method, built his…


Henri Fayol′s family relationships

Tsuneo Sasaki

Traces seven generations of Henri Fayol′s family through familyrecords and public documents found in France. These previouslyunpublished records document the financial situation…


Fayol: from experience to theory

Donald Reid

Draws extensively on the unpublished papers of Henri Fayol to showhow his experiences as an engineer, director and CEO for CommentryFourchambault provided the basis for the ideas…


Henri Fayol’s Centre for Administrative Studies

John D. Breeze

Henri Fayol is undoubtedly best known in the English‐speaking worldfor his book Administration Industrielle et Générale. His subsequent activities in promoting the development…


Reading Fayol with 3D glasses

Donald Reid

Reading Fayol′s Administration Industrielle etGénérale entails more than an examination of thetext′s apparent meaning and utility to managers today. A text likeFayol′s…




Online date, start – end:

1995 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Management Decision