Journal of Management History (Archive): Volume 1 Issue 2
Table of contents
Luther Gulick on Frederick Taylor and scientific management
Paul P. Van RiperContains a brief personal reminiscence about Frederick Taylor, asLuther Gulick (1892‐1993), often known as the dean of US publicadministration, knew him during the last year…
Taylorism and hours of work
Chris NylFrederick Taylor and the early scientific management movement havecommonly been depicted as villains by authors who base their claims on avery superficial reading of their work…
Designing the capital‐labour accord: Railway labour, the state and the Beyer Plan for union‐management Co‐operation
Gregory FieldExamines the origins and ideology of the Beyer Plan, a co‐operativeproductivity venture designed in 1918 for railway labour by TaylorSociety member, Otto Beyer, but not…
From mechanical engineering to re‐engineering: Would Taylor be pleased with modern management
Daniel MartinAsks the question “If Taylor and his cohorts were alivetoday, would they be pleased with what has become of managementthought?” Discusses the underlying theme that there might…
Democracy, scientific management and urban reform: The case of the Bureau of Municipal Research and the 1912 New York City School Inquiry
Hindy Lauer SchacterAnalyses the Bureau of Municipal Research′s (BMR) role in the 1912New York City School Inquiry to show the democratic orientation of keypeople trying to transfer scientific…
Early experiements in British scientific management: the Health of Munitions Workers′ Committee, 1915‐1920
Steven KreisInvestigages some of the ways in which scientific management ideasand practices were implemented in Britain during the First World War.Concentrates on the combination of…
The municipality, communism and scientific management: management legacies in context
Joseph L. TropeaDiscusses the fact that scientific management′s character andTaylor′s legacy are often treated as ideology and technology forcontrolling labour. However, proposes that scientific…