World Class Design to Manufacture: Volume 2 Issue 3

Table of contents

Teamworking and concurrent engineering – a success story

Rob Kinna

Shares the experiences and successes of adopting concurrentengineering. Highlights the criticality of team selection, building andempowerment. Suggests that the concept of a team…


In via recta celeriter (in the right way quickly)

Martyn J. Raynor

Provides a short history of the biggest collaborative researchproject on rapid prototyping in Europe – Computer‐Aided RapidPrototyping (CARP) – which is concerned with the concept…


Engineering quality improvement programme

Alan Combes, Christopher Connolly, Ed Henshall

Highlights the need for engineers who design vehicles to worksimultaneously with engineers who manufacture these vehicles in order toimprove product quality. Discusses the…


Design: a missing link in manufacturing strategy

Charles Wainwright

At present manufacturing strategy research is focused on theinteraction between the manufacturing and marketing functions to theexclusion of product design. As product design aims…


Benchmarking innovation for best practice

Mohamed Zairi

Report on a project on benchmarking innovating activity in a numberof progressive UK – and European‐based organizations. Aims toidentify best practice in innovation and its…


An engineering designer′s view of virtual engineering and rapid prototyping

Tony Medl

The design process is an uncertain activity which the designer mustlearn to handle. This is done, to a limited extent, by adopting standardprocedures and problem containment…


Best practices survey 1994: product definition

Investigates the fourth annual survey of practices in productdevelopment by Product Development Consulting, Inc. and the ManagementRoundtable. Focuses on best practices in product…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1995

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Emerald Publishing Limited