World Class Design to Manufacture: Volume 2 Issue 1

Table of contents

Top‐down innovation for bottom‐up results

Mohamed Zairi

Assesses managers′ understanding of the term“innovation” and introduces the changes in the nature ofcompetition which have affected the traditional idea of innovation.Provides…


Exploiting the potential

Nobuoki Ohtani

States that industrial design has in the past emphasized stylingand tended to ignore the importance of satisfying consumer needs.Suggests companies should learn to cultivate…


Designing the front end: how attitudes towards new products are related to company performance

Myfanwy Trueman, David Jobber

A survey of 108 UK industrial companies compares attitudes towardsnew products with company performance. The research, carried out atBradford University Management Centre, uses a…


Reusability – the key to corporate agility: its integration with enhanced quality function deployment

Jérôme Witter, Don Clausing, Ludger Laufenberg, Ronaldo Soares de Andrade

Market presence, quality and costs are primarily decided duringproduct development – improved in the last 15 years by theimplementation of basic concurrent engineering and now…


Goal‐directed development of new products

Robert Lockwood

Examines the dramatic change of commercial aircraft manufacturingfrom the traditional product development method dominated by militaryheritage and product superiority at the…


PDM: the essential technology for concurrent engineering

Bill Gascoigne

Concurrent engineering was heralded as the new panacea formanufacturing in the 1990s. The complexity of implementing the processthrough an organization has proved to be a major…


Mass customization – at a profit

Brian Fitzgerald

Reports on Management Round table′s conference on “Masscustomization – at a profit: any variety, any time,anywhere”, which attempted to explain the implications of…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited