Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology: Volume 3 Issue 1

Table of contents

Using patents to benchmark technological standing: international differences in citation patterns

G. Scott Erickson

Patent citation statistics, used to measure the technological standing of firms and nations, uniquely suggest that the quality of Japanese technological output is superior to that…


On sequential versus random sampling in statistical process control

Lance A. Matheson

In statistical process control, a number of items are selected from all items produced every h time units (which we will refer to as an inspection period); these items are used to…


Benchmarking on total quality management adoption: a positioning model

Barrie G. Dale

Presents a positioning model which describes five clusters of organizational characteristics in relation to the adoption of total quality management by a business unit. For each…


Information systems and benchmarking in the credit scoring industry

Kevin J. Leonard

The credit scoring industry has been concerned with the efficiency of scoring‐levels of bad rate, amount of loan losses. Very little concentration, however, has been given to the…


A review of key publications on benchmarking: part II

Mohamed Zairi, Mohamed A. Youssef

Continues the series of book reviews begun in Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology, Vol. 2 No. 1. Reviews two further publications on benchmarking. Outlines their…


The implementation of total quality management into public sector agencies: a case study of the Tennessee Valley Authority

Mary Burdette Dean, Marilyn M. Helms

Growing foreign competition has encouraged many managers to reappraise traditional management practices. Managers are now realizing that the quality of their products and services…




Online date, start – end:

1994 – 1998

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited