Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구: Volume 17 Issue 3 , Open Access

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Table of contents

Empirical Study of Volume and Voltility Effects Associated with ELS and ELW Issuance

Kyung-Tae Nam, Hoon Cho

ELS and ELW markets have been increasing sharply and become one of important financial markets in Korea since their inception. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts…

Open Access.

Overpriced Puts Puzzle in KOSPI 200 Options Market

Byungwook Choi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the argument that the put options traded in the exchanges are too high, compared to the asset prices based on the classical CAPM model, and…

Open Access.

A Study on the Price Discovery in Korea Stock Index Markets: KODEX200, KOSPI200, and KOSPI200 Futures

Seok-Kyu Kang

This paper examines the price discovery process among the Korea stock index markets using the vector error correction model (VECM) and the multivariate generalized auto regressive…

Open Access.