Journal of Korea Trade: Volume 22 Issue 4

This journal is now published by the Korea Trade Association

Table of contents

Court’s intervention on arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction: From the perspective of the Korean Arbitration Act (2016)

Eunok Park

The purpose of this paper is to analyze provisions which are related to court’s intervention over an arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction under the revised Korean Arbitration Act…


Trade-employment linkage of FTAs in Korea: Inter- and intra-industry reallocations of production resources

Yong Joon Jang, Mee Jin Cho, HanSung Kim

The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the link between trade liberalization and employment through the export channel under Korea’s FTAs by distinguish firm…


Accounting of gross exports and tracing foreign values in the global pharmaceutical value chain: Where does Korea stand?

Chang-soo Lee, Mikyung Yun

The purpose of this paper is to document for the first time the vertical specialization structure of the global pharmaceutical value chain.


Services in global value chains – the cases of Taiwan and Korea

Min Hui Chen

The purpose of this paper is to explore the value added of exports of services, which increasingly involve intermediate inputs to manufacturing and are indirectly embodied in…


Does FDI crowd out domestic firms? Micro-level evidence from the Republic of Korea

Hyelin Choi

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the foreign investment on the exit and sales of the domestic firms. Furthermore, it studies whether domestic firms…




Online date, start – end:

2016 – 2019


  • Professor Taek-Dong Yeo
  • Prof Sang Man Kim