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Editor's page
Marilyn Norris“While we were once perceived as simply providing services, selling products, and employing people, business now shares in much of the responsibility for our global quality of…
Riding the Third Wave: A Conversation with Alvin Toffler Tom Johnson and Lawrence Bennigson
Alvin Toffler, Tom Johnson, Larry BennigsonIn this interview, Alvin Toffler, Tom Johnson, and Larry Bennigson talk about the forces driving change and how business leaders can stay abreast of the threats and opportunities…
Cultural Schizophrenia
Watts WackerThis article is an edited version of the author's keynote presentation at the Strategic Leadership Forum's 1999 Conference. He discusses the new dynamics of change, or the way…
Looking ahead to global capitalism: An interview with Edith Weiner
Edith WeinerThe primary force that is shaping the global environment is the spread of American‐style capitalism. The collapse of communism as a viable economic system left in its wake the…
Chief Evolutionary Officers: The amazing business of famous human evolution
August Jaccaci, Susan GaultIn the world of business, visionary leaders are creating a conscious renaissance. With growing success and surprising earnings, they are teaching humanity the meaning of the word…
The role of business in the 21st century: Strategy & Leadership Roundtable
In today's closely connected global environment, international companies often wield more power and influence than any other social, political, or economic entity. As we move into…
Transforming uncertainty into success: The Strategic Leadership Forum 1999
Robert M. GrantIn this summary of the key speakers at the Strategic Leadership Forum's 1999 Conference, the author poses answers to a number of questions:What does the year 2000 mean for…
A forum of futurists: A look back and a look ahead
Ian WilsonThis article begins with a reprint of interviews from the November/December 1995 issue of Planning Review (the previous identity of Strategy & Leadership.). In those interviews…
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The AntidoteEditor:
- Professor David Sarpong