Internet Research: Volume 20 Issue 4


Table of contents - Special Issue: Internet Research 20th Anniversary Commemorative Issue

The Internet in six words or less

David G. Schwartz

This paper seeks to present six key articles from the archives of Internet Research within a research framework, covering infrastructure, organization, commerce, governance…


Developing the national communications and information infrastructure

Mitchell Kapor, Daniel J. Weitzner

This paper aims to discuss the importance of developing a national communication and information infrastructure that meets near‐term needs and capabilities.


Prospero: a tool for organizing Internet resources

B. Clifford Neuman

The purpose of this paper is to look at the recent growth of the Internet, and how it has greatly increased the amount of information that is accessible and the number of…


Commercialization of the Internet

Allan H. Weis

This purpose of this paper it to examine the historical forces shaping the new paradigm and the possible directions in which the new commercial Internet might evolve.


Tort liability, the First Amendment, equal access, and commercialization of electronic networks

Henry H. Perritt

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the USA's movement to a digital network infrastructure which may be threatened by the unavailability of high‐speed network channels to some…

World‐wide web: the information universe

Tim Berners‐Lee, Robert Cailliau, Jean‐François Groff, Bernd Pollermann

The World‐Wide Web (W3) initiative is a practical project designed to bring a global information universe into existence using available technology. This paper seeks to describe…


NCSA Mosaic: a global hypermedia system

Marc Andreessen, Eric Bina

This paper seeks to report on an Internet‐based system for hypermedia information discovery and retrieval and wide‐area distributed asynchronous collaboration designed and built…

Cover of Internet Research







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Christy Cheung