OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 17 Issue 2

Table of contents

A craftsman and his tool: Andy Powell and the DC‐dot metadata editor

Norm Medeiros

This article details the DC‐dot metadata editor, a tool developed by the UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN) to promote use of the Dublin Core (DC) Element…


Providing Web access to the Space Business Archives through DB/text WebPublisher

Neil Dahlstrom

The Space Business Archives uses DB/TextWorks, Version 3.0, to catalog and maintain internal control of its astronautic collections. In order to make those collections available…


The organization of electronic resources in the library and information science curriculum

Jerry D. Saye

This paper describes the introduction and integration of the organization of electronic resources into the library and information science curriculum. The description is based…


Letting go of the mouse: using alternative computer input devices to improve productivity and reduce injury

David J. Bertuca

Many computer related injuries occur from mouse use. The mouse is the primary input device by virtue of its universal availability, yet it is not the best for all‐round work…


Metadata, metadata, everywhere – but where is the hook?

Kristi Kiesling

Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Dublin Core (DC) are metadata standards with different purposes. EAD fully supports archival descriptive practices, but lacks the robust…


Extending the capabilities of the EAD Cookbook

Christopher J. Prom

Smaller institutions considering implementation of Encoded Archival Description (EAD) face many challenges in designing an efficient workflow and choosing standards that will…




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