OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 9 Issue 3
Table of contents
Milo NelsonA summary of OCLC's strategic plan that will guide the organization in the years ahead is set forth in a new brochure, “Journey to the 21st Century.”
K. Wayne Smith: OCLC's New Orleans Meeting: OCLC President's Luncheon ALA Annual Conference New Orleans June 28, 1993
K. Wayne SmithToday I want to give you a brief state‐of‐OCLC report. I want to begin with finances, because a financially strong OCLC is absolutely critical to the pursuit of our public…
OCLC Users Council Meets: Report to Users
JoEllen Ostendorf“Values and Visions = Policies and Actions” was the focus of the May OCLC Users Council meeting, continuing the theme “Transforming Technologies: Reconstructing Libraries for the…
PASSPORT/PRISM, author and title and MARC – oh my!
Judith A. CarterProvides an overview of cataloguing, in particular Machine ReadableCataloguing (MARC). Considers some of the reasons why users shouldunderstand the way information is used in what…
ILL‐Conceived Ideas
Susan RaschkeWelcome to The Column concerning interlibrary services in the OCLC universe! Dare if you will to join me in my continuing mission to infuse new life, explore strange new visions…
Calling for berserkers: LCSH and OLUC, and cooperatively cataloguing
Daniel CannCasciatoExamines access by subject and the OLUC in the context ofco‐operative cataloguing. Demonstrates the creation of subject authorityrecords in a local system for headings that do not…
Electronic ILL at Colorado State University
Jane SmithExamines the workload consequences for interlibrary loandepartments when patrons′ requests for interlibrary lending are madeeasier. In particular, looks at new ILL methods with…
Is OCLC worth the cost?
Dan LiebtagExamines briefly the costs of OCLC cataloguing services,particularly compared with one of its major competitors in the non‐largelibrary market, the Library Corporation′s…
Testing – Alpha, Beta...
Nelia C. WurangianReviews the experience of testing the CAT CD450 software. DiscussesOCLC and Beta testing. Considers some of the challenges that oneencounters when performing tests, including…
Firstsearch: collection management and academic libraries
Denise DavisLooks at issues of database or file duplication between CD‐ROM andonline services like Firstsearch, establishing card sales policies andprocedures plus increased file usage…
An OCLC/GTO LAN set up: a case study report
Ting Zheng, Joyce L. HuangReports on the implementation and early stage use of OCLCworkstations at the Library and Learning Resource Centre at theUniversity of Wisconsin. Details many of the difficulties…