OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 20 Issue 1
Table of contents
Of budgets and boycotts: the battle over open access publishing
Norm MedeirosThis article recounts the history of electronic journals, and the evolution of library processes to manage them. The article reviews recent controversies regarding the future of…
The future of archives and manuscripts
Randall C. JimersonThe archival profession faces many challenges in the near future, including electronic records, new technology, defining the profession, diversity, cooperation with other…
Streaming audio from African‐American oral history collections
Trevor James BondThrough the use of OCLC/DiMeMa’s CONTENTdm software and a RealSystems Server 8, this article outlines the process of converting two collections of African‐American oral histories…
Public libraries in Victoria, Australia: an overview of current ICT developments, challenges, and issues
Brendan Fitzgerald, Frances SavageThis article explores the impact on public libraries in Victoria, Australia, as they become increasingly reliant upon information communications technology (ICT) to manage, access…
OCLC’s Office of Research: the value of research to an organization and to a profession
Diane Marie WardPresents a survey of the OCLC Office of Research (OR) with emphasis on two projects (Web Characterization Project and Economics of Digital Preservation), and their impact on the…
Unqualified Dublin Core usage in OAI‐PMH data providers
Jewel WardThis research describes an empirical study of how the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) is used by 100 data providers (DPs) registered with the Open Archives Initiative…