OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 17 Issue 4
Table of contents
Peering over the fortress walls: the metadata invasion begins
Norm MedeirosExplores the growing variance between proponents of traditional cataloging practices for Web objects, and those who advocate non‐AACR/MARC approaches to resource description…
Graduate archival education at Western Washington University
Randall C. JimersonAs the archival profession seeks a wider role in the field of information science, the need to prepare students for careers in a rapidly changing world requires multidisciplinary…
The CORC experience: survey of founding libraries. Part II
Ingrid Hsieh‐Yee, Michael SmithThis survey conducted in late 1999 found that Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC) founding libraries shared a strong interest in controlling Internet resources and finding…
Dynamic publishing of links to Web resources using FileMaker Pro
Robert E. DuncanCollections of links to Web resources become difficult to maintain and use as they grow in size. Database‐driven, dynamic Web publishing solutions offer searching capabilities and…
Structuring biographical data in EAD with the Nomen DTD
Antonio M. CalvoBiographical data, including authorized name information, adds depth, richness and retrievability to bibliographic records and archival finding aids. The use of encoded archival…