OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 12 Issue 1
Table of contents
The first public demonstration of the OCLC database
Guy A. MarcoDescribes the first public demonstration of the capabilities of the OCLC System in August 1971.
Cataloging with CAT ME Plus in MS Windows
Rubén Urbizagástegui, Dave PercyDescribes the advantages and disadvantages of a program information file (PIF) for the DOS CAT ME Plus (Cataloguing Micro Enhancer) in an MS Windows microcomputer. Examines the…
Information and library services S/NVQs embrace IT
Paul ScarsbrookDescribes and evaluates the IT aspects of S/NVQs (Scottish/National Vocational Qualifications). Begins by outlining the structure of the qualifications and their use within…
The internationalization of MARC. Part I: the emergence and divergence of MARC
Mortaza KokabiSurveys the evolution and development of MARC formats for the digital encoding of bibliographic data from their beginnings in 1968 at the Library of Congress to the present time…
Opinion paper: the availability of monographs through ILL ‐ the need for a national strategy
Frances HendrixDiscusses the need for a national access policy for monographs in public libraries and the role of networking in the future of resource sharing. Suggests the need for the…
OCLC Users’ Council meeting minutes, February 5‐7, 1996
Emma JonesReports on the OCLC Users’ Council meeting of February 5‐7, 1996. Issues discussed included nominations for the board of trustees, the OCLC president’s report, the Users’ Council…