International Journal of Commerce and Management: Volume 15 Issue 2
Table of contents
Basking in the glow of superstars: Demand for top managers by domestic firms and MNCS in the advertising industry
Douglas SanfordSuperstars, or prominent managers who are responsible for strategic external relationships, are a resource for domestic firms and multinational corporations (MNCs). Theory…
Consumers’ evaluations of online reference price advertisement
Danny Yuan‐Shuh Lii, Monle LeeThe purpose of this study is to examine differences in consumers’ perceptions of an acceptable price range and their responses to the advertised reference price in terms of…
Knowledge management in its context: Adapting structure to a knowledge creating culture
Hala SabriThis study focuses on knowledge management in relation to its organizational context. It argues that knowledge management is not just computer and information systems; it embodies…
International business negotiations: The case of Pakistan
Hussain G. RammalThis exploratory study focuses on identifying the key cultural and other contextual influences that affect the process and outcome of commercial negotiations between Pakistanis…
Factors influencing corporate compliance with financial reporting requirements in New Zealand
Stephen Owusu‐AnsahThis paper investigates factors that influence the extent of corporate mandatory disclosure practices in New Zealand over a three‐year period. Researcher‐created…
Factors influencing corporate compliance with financial reporting requirements in New Zealand
Satish P. Deshpande, Jacob JosephThe objective of this research was to examine factors that impact union elections in the trucking sector. Since trucking firms are labor intensive, unions can have an impact on…