Table of contents
Distributed component software security issues on deploying a secure electronic marketplace
Stefanos Gritzalis, John Iliadis, Spyros OikonomopoulosA secure electronic marketplace involves a significant number of real‐time transactions between remote systems, either for commercial or for authentication purposes. The…
Software piracy among academics: an empirical study in Brunei Darussalam
Mahbubur Rahim, Mohd. Noah Abd. Rahman, Afzaal H. SeyalThis article reports the results of a survey in Brunei Darussalam concerning the use of pirated software among academics. Though, the suspicion of academics using pirated software…
EDI via the Internet
William M. Lankford, Jack E. JohnsonOnly about 5 per cent of the companies that could be doing EDI are doing EDI. Can the Internet change the mathematics with its lower costs and easy accessibility? The Internet is…
A conceptual foundation for organizational information security awareness
Mikko T. SiponenThe current approaches in terms of information security awareness and education are descriptive (i.e. they are not accomplishment‐oriented nor do they recognize the…
Voice recognition software programs: are they right for you?
Mohsen AttaranThe increasing power of PCs, in particular, the advances in Pentium III and the AMD‐K6 with 3DNow technology have boosted speech recognition. Decades of research and development…