Empowerment in Organizations: Volume 5 Issue 2
Table of contents
HRD and microenterprise: socio‐economic capacity building in LDCs
Gary D. Geroy, Jackie Jankovich, Thomas J. Hyden, Phillip C. WrightMicroenterprise can be defined as development from the bottom‐up. Many current economic intervention practices stem from the failed economic policies of developed nations, which…
Loosening the reins without losing control
Ron RobinsonAddresses several considerations involved when implementing empowerment in high‐performance organizations, namely: defining empowerment within the organization; setting out key…
Environment‐based empowerment in managerial training in education
Naftaly GlasmanThis article extends previous theoretical work done in the area of empowerment in learning to empowerment in managerial training in education. The focus is on learning environment…
Achieving customer service quality through teamwork: : The Murdoch University case
Cecil A.L. PearsonThis research investigated the effect of changing the workplace of a central administrative cell from a traditional bureaucratic structure to a team orientated quality focused…
The wisdom of being lost
William StocktonBill Stockton of Mobius, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota is an OD practitioners dealing with large scale organization change and related issues of strategic importance to the…