Librarian Career Development: Volume 4 Issue 2
Table of contents
Flexible information workers: training and equal opportunities
Anne Goulding, Evelyn KerslakeDescribes the extent of flexible working practices in library and information services (LIS) in the UK, drawing on a recently completed study. Outlines concerns about training…
The Department of Librarianship and Information Studies, Berzsenyi College, Hungary: present educational programmes and envisaged curricula
Mihály Pálvölgyi, Gyula TóthDescribes the educational programmes of the Department of Librarianship and Information Studies (DLIS) at Berzsenyi College, the largest Hungarian LIS department, focusing on…
Continuing professional development for the information discipline of records management. Part 1: context and initial indications of current activities
Catherine E. Hare Julie McLeod, Lesley A. KingExplores the newly emerging information discipline of records management, focusing on its current status in the UK where it is represented by a range of sector‐specific and…