Librarian Career Development: Volume 3 Issue 2


Table of contents

Careers in 2020?

Patricia Layzell Ward

Twenty years ago an article was published which speculated aboutthe shape of a career in ILS in the mid‐1990s. Many of the forecaststurned out to be correct. Continues the…


Life beyond the bookshelves

Cathel Kerr

Describes the author′s work as an indexer for EMBase, one of themajor medical databases. Some issues related to teleworking are alsodiscussed: employment conditions, supervision…


Staff development and appraisal in an “old” university library

Robert Oldroyd

Examines the establishment of schemes for staff training anddevelopment, and appraisal, in an “old” university library.Discusses the problems posed by only one group of staff…


Problems in the management of university education in the field of librarianship and information science in Romania

Ion Stoica

Describes the re‐establishment of a department of librarianship andinformation science at Bucharest University, Romania. Discusses some ofthe problems and dilemmas encountered and…


Get that job – letter writing

Susan Jean Hill

Continues the series of articles giving advice on refining jobsearching procedures and techniques. Concentrates on letter writing,emphasizing the importance of job application…




Online date, start – end:

1993 – 1999

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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Library Management