Table of contents
The challenge of change at Thomas Cook: Uniting 28,000 employees behind one brand
Alexis ColesWhen Condor and Neckermann (C&N) acquired Thomas Cook in early 2001, it saw an exciting opportunity to expand its international business and roll out the Thomas Cook brand across…
The Training Exchange sets the pace on family‐friendly policies: … and the benefits are obvious for employees, clients and the company as a whole
Having a job where there are no set hours, days or places of work may sound too good to be true, but that is exactly what happens at a UK training and development company. All 30…
Opportunities lost when HR takes a bashing: Women out of the equation
When the CEO of a US rent‐to‐own company fired top HR people and eliminated many HR functions, he revealed more than one prejudice and set in motion a disastrous train of events…
Centrica recruitment initiative tackles assumptions and prejudices head on: … and helps to boost motivation and cut employee turnover
UK conglomerate Centrica has successfully recruited carers, long‐term unemployed, lone parents and people with disabilities to contact‐center jobs – and tackled assumptions and…
Never mind the business buzzwords: Resistance to change
Office and factory life everywhere throws up individuals who have nothing positive to say about their employers, irrespective of whether the organization is, broadly speaking…
Market control of knowledge workers: Skills in demand
Key figures in the workforce at Testronics, a small micro‐electronics company in the northeastern USA, could be forgiven for viewing the expression “knowledge is power” with a…
More to performance than a big pay packet: The big issue
All employers asked to name the single most important factor in their success story would doubtless sing the praises of the organization’s most vital resource – their staff. It…
The very model for Sweden’s military: “Top‐down” only
Sweden, in common with all western nations, has paid considerable attention to the issue of selecting and developing its military leaders. Last year, the Swedish armed forces…
A case of participating to effect change: Reform needed
Public management in the UK has long been perceived as a bloated and over‐bureaucratic model. It is something that the UK enjoy lampooning, whether in tabloid newspaper articles…
London Electricity Group gives a helping hand to employee motivation: … and builds skills and a common identity across the business
London Electricity (LE) Group’s staff‐volunteering program, Helping Hands, made an impact right from its introduction – not only by contributing to communities, but also by…
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Management Development ReviewEditor:
- Nicholas King