Balance Sheet: Volume 9 Issue 4
Table of contents
Attitudes of UK managers to risk and uncertainty
Christine Helliar, Alasdair Lonie, David Power, Donald SinclairThe authors provide an overview of their research into the attitudes of UK managers to risk and uncertainty. They find that, when it comes to decision making, managers in UK…
The way ahead on financial instruments: the banks have their say
Paul ChisnallThe issue of how banks should disclose the effects of financial instruments is fraught. The global standard‐setting community put forward their views in what became known as the…
Fair‐value accounting: examining the consequences
Graham AllattThe Joint Working Group proposals on fair value disclosure of financial instruments have provoked controversy. Here the author looks at how the proposals would impact on banks’…
Fair value and measurement: where the conflicts lie
Allister WilsonWhen it comes to the way in which banks report the effects of financial instruments, the position of the global accounting firms is crucial. This article explores the difficulties…
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Tarlok Teji, Malcolm McCaigThe authors explain how risk management can increase the value of an organisation. They look at issues like globalisation, shareholder value, the effect of corporate governance…
Audit committees: effective against risk or just overloaded?
Jonathan Hunt, Anthony CareyAudit committees have been an integral part of risk management in financial services organisations for longer than in the rest of the economy. But the pressures on audit committee…
Financial change: who is benefiting?
Jeff NeagleThe field of financial services is one of the fastest changing sectors of the economy. The author argues that this and the changing motivation of people working in the financial…