Balance Sheet: Volume 9 Issue 1

Table of contents

Putting the “a” back into “alm”

Simon Page, Mark Winter

The authors trace the inside story of a ground‐breaking transaction which they pioneered. It enabled Barclays Bank to shed all the credit risk it held as the result of originating…


The future of the insurance market – do insurers need crystal balls?

Eamonn Rice

This article looks at the changes in the insurance market which are being forced by new economy pressures. The author considers the squeeze created by consolidation in the…


The new world ahead: the internationalisation of accounting rules

David Damant

The new draft standard on financial instruments will revolutionise financial reporting around the world. The author argues that because of the politics of accounting…


Fair value accounting: breaking a butterfly upon a wheel?

Paul Ebling

Recent proposals to require all financial instruments to be measured at fair value are raising some pretty basic issues about bank accounting. The author, who headed up the UK end…


Fair value accounting – an industry view

Paul Chisnall

The author notes the proposals put forward by the Joint Working Group of Standard Setters on Financial Instruments and sets out the arguments why the banking community is against…


Income statement disclosure: how fair value would work

This extensive extract from the proposed rules on how to disclose financial instruments and similar items in the income statement of banks and other financial institutions…


Active loan portfolio management through the use of credit derivatives

Paul Van der Maas

The purpose of this article, which is based on a recent presentation by Paul Van der Maas, is to give the reader a brief overview of common credit derivatives, the size and scope…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance