Balance Sheet: Volume 8 Issue 5

Table of contents

The continuing controversy of Basel

Denzil Stirk

Looks at how banks, since 1988, have increasingly engaged in transactions to enable transfer to credit risk, to try to achieve better allocations of economic capital. States that…


Fair value accounting and the future of financial instruments

Patricia Jackson, David Lodge

Discusses the recently published draft standard from the Bank of England that covers most controversial banking regulatory areas. States that there may well be advantages in a…


Mapping out the future progress of eB2B

Russell Collins

Highlights eBusiness‐to‐business (eB2B), which comprises 84 per cent of online revenue – strongest of all in the financial sector. Profiles the various companies involved – such…


Making risk management stick

Bruce McCuaig

Advances ongoing risk management and opens with a short example of how one senior operating executive stated there were no risks to his business unit. Claims that managers cannot…


Bringing risk management up to date in an e‐commerce world

Yen Yee Chong

Investigates risk and the difference e‐commerce has had on global markets and, in particular, how Western experts managed to get wrong the prospects for the future with regard to…


Winners and losers in the search for strategic excellence

Mark Haynes Daniell

Looks at some case studies from the world of global risk management and analyses their successes and failures.


Risk management: finding the value within

Vicky Kubitscheck

Wonders why there is so much excitement about risk management? States, whatever the reason, that organizations may lose out if they do not use the real value within the regulatory…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance