Balance Sheet: Volume 8 Issue 2
Table of contents
The Basle Accord: rethinking credit risk
Peter VipondDiscusses the 1988 Basle Accord and the effect it had on banks internationally plus the more recent amendments dealing with various matters and the 1999 proposals that promise…
Is securitisation still a useful balance sheet tool?
David Barnes, Neil WarmanExamines the securitization market and explores the factors which fuel grounds for growth in this market and whether, in light of proposed BIS changes, it will continue to expand…
Once in a millennium: preparing for Y2K
John DeLucaLooks at the problems and fears surrounding banks and financial institutions with regard to the Y2K computer systems date programs. Discusses the possible scenarios for the…
There’s a new set of definitions in town
Sanjeev GuptaChronicles the International Swaps and Dealers Association’s (ISDA’s) compliance with the new credit derivative definitions. Adumbrates that the objectives are: to promote more…
Managing risk and making money
Tim J. LeechWonders why assurance has, in its existing form, failed in certain areas in the world. Uses comprehensive figures with an in depth explanation of what has gone wrong in assurance…
Liquidity and the markets
Ross JonesDiscusses a talk given by Ross Jones at the UK Asset and Liability Management Association about the effect globalization is having on the increased lack of financial controls…
Outsourcing or increasing risks?
Chris FrostExamines outsourcing various functions such as internal audit and suggest caution should be the watchword. Proposes that certain businesses can be improved by outsourcing, in that…
IT revolution versus boardroom evolution
John MachinInvestigates company Web sites and the use by them of IT. Posits that some companies are too much in a hurry to understand what is going on in IT, while others are just plain…