Balance Sheet: Volume 12 Issue 5

Table of contents

Liability‐driven investment: can the fixed interest markets deliver?

Joseph Mariathasan

The investment strategies which pension funds need to put into place are complex and, in recent years, have been changing rapidly. The author looks at how change is affecting the…


The nature of risk: The risk management of everything

Michael Power

This is a briefing by the author on his PD Leake lecture given at the Chartered Accountants’ hall earlier in the year. In it he examines the rise and rise of the risk industry and…


The nature of risk: The nature of systemic risk – trying to achieve a definition

Chris Mundy

Systemic risk is an elusive concept. The author suggests that the search for a proper definition can be fruitless but an understanding of its nature is essential.


The nature of risk: Deep impact – Basel in the European Union

Richard Barfield

Basel II will have a huge impact on the risk management of banks across Europe. The author assesses the findings of a survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers of what the likely results…


The nature of risk: Credit agencies and light regulation – building a market code

Martin O’Donovan

The author, a technical officer at the Association of Corporate Treasurers, describes the growth in the power of the rating agencies and explains the background and content of the…


Corporate governance: Risk management starts at the top

Yen Y. Chong

There has been a lot of discussion and controversy surrounding the issue of corporate leadership, the value of the company and the level of executive remuneration. Clearly, there…


Corporate governance: The battle over corporate governance – how companies are responding to the new Combined Code

Rupert McNeil, Katie Rimmington

The Combined Code enshrines the principles of corporate governance for UK companies. It has been very influential but many companies also question its value. The authors, with the…


Corporate governance: Better financial markets – the technical dimension

John Court

Standards for the electronic recording, processing and distribution of financial and other business reports (“digital reporting”) can bring benefits both for external regulation…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance