Balance Sheet: Volume 12 Issue 4

Table of contents

Bond indices: understanding all the angles

Joseph Mariathasan

The author, a stalwart of the UK Asset and Liability Management Association, provides a guide to the construction and make‐up of bond indices and argues that users should assess…


ALM: educating the managers of the future

Jim Byrne

The author, whose company runs training courses for the UK Asset and Liability Management Association, explains the rationale behind the training and importance of creating…


What color is your balance sheet? The relevance and explanatory power of wealth accounts

Eric Melse

The growing need for more relevant detail in financial statements proper to be produced annually, quarterly or monthly, and possibly continuously, translates into an urgent need…


Assessing the regulatory impact: the challenges of UCITS III – Germany’s regulators become the first to launch derivatives ordinance

Kai D. Leifert

UCITS III has direct implications on risk management activities of asset managers. On 13 February 2004, German regulators published a derivatives ordinance (German…


Assessing the regulatory impact: credit risk – going beyond Basel II

Richard Tschemernjak

As the end of the 2006 deadline to implement regulatory changes being proposed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision looms closer, banks are battling to make their credit…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance