Balance Sheet: Volume 11 Issue 4

Table of contents

The revolution ahead in financial reporting: a new world – what the income statement means to financial reporting

David Damant

David Damant, one of the leading thinkers in the investment analysis world, shows how the proposed new income statement will change the world of financial reporting, leading to…


The revolution ahead in financial reporting: reporting financial performance

Richard Barker

Problems in financial reporting are often blamed on the rules. In trying to outlaw the system of “smoothing” which covered up many sins the rule‐makers have been accused of simply…


Dealing with Basel II: operational risk – encouraging best practice

David Syer

The latest consultation paper from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision makes some changes to its regulatory proposals for operational risk management – the risk of losses…


Dealing with Basel II: the impact of the New Basel Capital Accord

Thomas Garside, Jens Bech

International regulators are due to finalize the New Basel Capital Accord by the end of 2003, for implementation by banks at the end of 2006. Basel II is a response to the need…


Dealing with Basel II: Basel II – the end of risk management?

Robert Hudson

The forthcoming revision of the Basel Accord will cause major changes in the capital incentives driving banks’ management decisions. The author briefly outlines the main proposals…


The regulation and distribution of hedge funds in Europe – changes and challenges

Graham Phillips, Jerry Dawson

The growth of the use of hedge funds in both the USA and in Europe has led to greater attempts to regulate the market. The authors provide a guide to the way regulations are…


How to achieve realistic risk management

Yen Yee Chong

In this extract from his new book, Handling Investment Risk, the author examines operational risk and, with case studies ranging across Nigerian fraud, the split capital trusts…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance