Balance Sheet: Volume 11 Issue 2

Table of contents

Ten years of the UK ALMA: reflections on a decade of tumultuous change

John Ashenhurst

The author, one of the founders of the UK Asset and Liability Management Association ten years ago, looks back at developments since. He looks at how the embryo skills of asset…


Ten years of the UK ALMA: a look forward via the rear view mirror

Peter Hanlon

The author looks back over ten years of the UK asset and liability management profession and compares the US and UK banking industries. He suggests that the value of ALM…


A new look at investment risk – the organic risk management stance?

Yen Yee Chong

The author suggests that methods for rating investment risk are flawed. He suggests a risk analysis, management and projects (RAMP) approach. Number‐crunching will produce better…


The Group of 30 report: addressing the concerns of the banking world

Sam Dibb

The securities market has been in need of global reform for some years. The author looks at the process of gathering research on what actions need to be taken by the Group of 30…


IAS – the road to international (dis)harmony

Chris Taylor

As banks across Europe try to prepare for the introduction of international accounting standards in 2005, controversy over the rules continues to rage. The author traces the…


Asset and liability management: what does the future have in store?

Richard Black, Karl Brown, James Moloney

Advances in market risk management have had a huge impact on asset liability management in recent years, enabling the most advanced institutions to analyze their balance sheet…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance