Balance Sheet: Volume 10 Issue 1

Table of contents

A revolution in financial reporting

David Damant

The nature of reported financial performance and financial disclosure is undergoing a dramatic change. The author argues that the issue of accounting for financial instruments and…


Fair value for financial instruments – where to next?

Ian Hague

Proposals for fair value measurement of all financial instruments in company financial statements have been subject to significant criticism. This article reviews the responses to…


Financial instruments: fair values and disclosure

This is an edited text of the response submitted by the Financial Instruments Task Force of the Association for Investment Management and Research to the International Accounting…


Accounting for financial instruments under IAS: The European dimension

Richard Moore

The proposals on accounting for financial instruments developed by the Joint Working Group look as though they will take several years to sort out. In the meantime listed…


Derivatives – new guidance for auditors

Keith Billing

The Auditing Practices Board (APB), the audit standard setting body for the UK and the Republic of Ireland, has published a Consultation Draft of a Practice Note “Auditing…


Credit derivatives: regulating in the jungle

John Hitchins, Jonathan Davies, Phil Rivett, Mitchell Hogg

The credit derivatives market is both fast‐growing and increasingly complex. This brings problems for banks and the infrastructure needed to support such products. There are also…


Accounting for hedges: foreign currency exposures

Arlette Wilson, Dan Heitger

Accounting for foreign currency hedges has become a fiercely complicated procedure. At a time when financial institutions are having to alter disclosure methods, the authors…


Liquidity risk: what lessons can be learnt from the crisis in Japan’s banking system?

Robert Fiedler, Karl Brown, James Moloney

With the need to expel huge amounts of non‐performing loans from their balance sheets, their share prices sinking and their credit ratings lowered, Japan’s banks are struggling to…


ABN AMRO: managing interest rate risk

Kimberly Ferranti

The author describes how SunGard installed a sophisticated interest rate risk analysis system for ABN AMRO’s North American headquarters in Chicago. She details the problems…


Market metrics: what should we tell the shareholders?

Tim Ambler

The author, from the London Business School, sums up the arguments contained in a recent research project produced by himself and two colleagues for the ICAEW’s Centre For…




Online date, start – end:

2000 – 2004

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Journal of Risk Finance