Table of contents
A teenager’s view of puberty
Jenny McWhirterExplores what teenagers really think about growing up using thedraw and write technique. Tests the relevancy of this technique witholder pupils and discusses the outcomes. Leads…
Foundation stones of successful health education
Joan ThorntonContends that successful personal and social education depends moreon methodology than on content and describes a range of simpletechniques that can help to enhance the personal…
An illuminating lesson
Elizabeth GriffinPromotes the view that puppets are an ideal medium for healtheducation in primary schools. Describes how puppets may be used inhealth education lessons not only to transmit facts…
The worst of times
Sharon KingmanDiscusses the effect that the death of a pupil can have on theschool community and reports that schools can help children to deal withtheir grief. Asserts that the reaction of the…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Gurpinder Lalli