Disaster Prevention and Management: Volume 18 Issue 2
An International JournalTable of contents
Identifying requirements for a disaster‐monitoring system
Tuncay BayrakThe main objective of this study is to identify and define three sets of factors that might be useful for designing a disaster monitoring and response system.
A role for business in the War on Terror
Luke HowieThe purpose of this paper is to present research findings that improve our understanding of the role for business in the “War on Terror”. This paper is not about examining…
A CAD‐based feature recognition system for escape route planning
Anton Gittens, Boppana V. ChowdaryThe main objective of this paper is to introduce the development of a novel feature recognition system for escape route planning. The genetic algorithm (GA) can be a useful tool…
Disaster management: findings from a systematic review
Emanuele Lettieri, Cristina Masella, Giovanni RadaelliThe paper aims to discuss a systematic review of the literature about disaster management within the period 1980‐2006.
One crisis after another: Municipal experiences of severe storm in the shadow of the tsunami
Ann Enander, Susanne Hede, Örjan LajksjöThe purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical understanding of experiences of crisis management among municipal leaders.
The role of earthquake information management systems (EIMSs) in reducing destruction: A comparative study of Japan, Turkey and Iran
Sima Ajami, Mahshid FattahiThe daily life of people is threatened by natural disasters. Crisis management is that in which attempts are made to before, during and after disasters. The most important factor…
Knowledge transfer between preparedness and emergency response: a case study
Kerstin ErikssonThe purpose of this paper is to study the transfer of knowledge between preparedness activities and emergency response at the municipal level to improve emergency response.
Developing an organizational learning‐based model for risk management in Chinese construction firms: A research agenda
Jun Ying Liu, Sui Pheng LowThe features of construction projects, characterized by their transient nature, multi‐players, and strong dependency on local natural and human environment, highlight the…
Framing effects on preparation intentions: distinguishing actions and outcomes
John McClure, Jo White, Chris G. SibleyThe purpose of this paper is to show whether positive or negative framing of preparation messages leads to higher intentions to prepare for earthquakes, and whether the more…
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1992Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr JC Gaillard
- Dr Emmanuel Raju