Management Development Review: Volume 8 Issue 4

Table of contents


This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/09684879510082193. When citing the…


Full‐circle appraisal at BAe

John Bradford

Reports on the 360‐degree appraisal, introduced at BritishAerospace′s Military Aircraft Division, to link the division′sorganizational development strategy with its management…


Core threads of continuous improvement

Richard Chang

Discusses a recent survey of companies which shows that, although73 per cent of the respondents had implemented total qualityinitiatives, 63 per cent of these initiatives were…


Helping people change roles

Derek Lawrence, Peter Yarlett

Presents a competency framework developed by London Borough ofCroydon for the council′s employees, in an attempt to develop managementskills and improve service quality. Describes…


Stress litigation and training

Ian Campbell

Discusses work‐related stress, focusing on its management,counselling and training. Warns that recent successful compensationclaims by employees over work‐related stress are…


Self‐managed learning theory and practice

Mike Peckham

Defines self‐managed learning and explores some of the issuesinvolved. Discusses the continuum relationship between developers andlearners who are trying to take responsibility…


Mentoring in the mainstream

Christopher Conway

Argues that mentoring can play an important role in the emergingmainstream of management development and in achieving organizationalchange. Discusses the roles and benefits of…


How NLP locations work

Julie Hay

Combines the concepts of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) andtransactional analysis (TA) in a process for changing beliefs. Describesthis process and the benefits to be gained.


How to use participative planning

Jay T. Knippen, Thad B. Green

Explains why participative planning should be adopted, anddescribes it. Lists, with examples, various steps of planning andprovides hints. Details goal establishment, avoiding…


Waterman’s views of excellence

Bruce Lloyd

In interview format, discusses Robert Waterman′s new book, Frontiers of Excellence. Discusses US productivity, competitiveness,employability, and self‐directed work.




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

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Emerald Publishing Limited