Management Development Review: Volume 7 Issue 5

Table of contents

The Myths of Self‐managed Learning

Ian Cunningham

Discusses critically some of the misconceptions of self‐managed learningenshrined in arguments propounded by traditionalist management educatorsunsympathetic to current trends in…


The Concept of Five‐dimensional Management

Belinda Gallon

Outlines an innovative blend of theory and application developed by theSalisbury Consulting Group in an attempt to address the rigiditycharacteristic of traditional management…


BICC′s Blackley People Programme

Chris Ashton

Considers the challenge faced by management at the BlackleyManufacturing site of BICC Cables when, in 1992, a multi‐faceted changeprogramme was planned to surmount the growing…


Investing in Managers

Peter Ratcliffe

Investors in People (IIP) is a major governmental initiative aimed atlocal economic regeneration on a considerable scale and with hugefinancial backing. Examines the potential…


Coaching for Higher Performance

Richard Phillips

Endorses the contemporary focus on empowering strategies and practices,and commends the model of the manager as coach as a key developmenttechnique which can accelerate learning…


Opportunity 2000: Three Years On

Stephen King

Commemorates the third anniversary of Opportunity 2000 by consideringexemplars of best practice and notable progress in the light of thecampaign′s objectives. Case studies on…


Graphology: Writing on the Wall

Stephen King

Sketches the historical interest in and development of graphology fromits arcane origins and status to its rehabilitation in modern academicenvironments. Illustrates some of the…


TECs: Are They Cost‐effective?

Robert J. Bennett

Addresses the question of how TECs′ outputs can be accurately estimatedand analysed so that a balanced evaluation of the effectiveness andcost‐efficiency of their programmes can…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited