Management Development Review: Volume 7 Issue 3

Table of contents

Entrapment – Every Manager’s Nightmare

John L. Plant

Suggests that one reason for the failure of many businesses during thefirst ten years could be due to management inflexibility. It has beendiscovered that escalating commitment…


Trends in Electrical Retailing

John Griffiths

Retailers are concerned that consumer spending may be affected by aforthcoming increase in taxation. Reports on the different approachestaken towards management training and…


Accreditation of Prior Learning in Business Schools

Robert J. Newton

Discusses the strategic and political issues associated withAccreditation of Prior Learning (APL) in consideration of its potentialcontribution to the staff, curriculum and…


From Vision to Reality through Values

Tom Kenny

The need for managers to develop a vision for their unit/ organizationis increasingly viewed as a vital part of their role. Argues that visionprovides direction and offers a sense…


Development Centres at SWEB

Barbara Busby, Richard Hunter

Reports on a development centre programme undertaken in collaborationwith Criterion Partnership. Outlines the seven objectives, specifyingthe methods used, and summarizes the…


Why Use the Outdoors?

Wendy Yeadon

Suggests that outdoor activities should be part of a training programmeas, by using practical activities which emphasize process rather thantask, people consider parallel…


Women Executives: Who Cares for the Carers?

Stephen King

Argues that, in spite of the good intentions of equal opportunitiespolicies, the needs of older career women appear to be unnoticed. Thesewomen often find, on approaching…


Directions in Voluntary Sector Management

Roger Courtney

Suggests that voluntary organizations must respond to various changestaking place in order to survive. Many public sector units are beingtransferred to the independent sector…


Total Quality in Public Service

Jon Choppin

Suggests that TQM has much to offer public services provided that theorganization is considered as a whole. Discusses five points which needto be considered if the ideas of…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

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Emerald Publishing Limited