Management Development Review: Volume 7 Issue 2

Table of contents

The Qualities of UK Management

Roger Stubbs

Extract from the report made by Sundridge Park Management Centre andMORI, in making the 1993 British Quality of Management Awards. Looks atmanagement capabilities and questions…


When the Talking is Over: Using Action Learning

Robert Newton, Michael J. Wilkinson

Outlines the workings of Action Learning Sets, team‐building andcultural change, and explores the use of Action Learning methodology inthe development of health‐care managers…


Airport Management Issues

John Griffiths

Reports on how East Midlands International Airport, NewcastleInternational Airport and the BAA group are meeting the changing needsof a rapidly expanding sector through management…


Sloan Programme Opens Doors

John Griffiths

Outlines the aim, methods and content of the London Business SchoolSloan Fellowships Programme. Looks at who are the participants and theeffect the programme can have on their…


On Stage with ACE Teams

Andrew Leigh, Michael Maynard

Describes an approach to maximizing team performance which integratestraditional business methods with those of the performing arts. Definesthe ACE team as aligned, creative and…


Business Outcomes for Training

Chris Ashton

Reports on the training and development focus of five National TrainingAward winners – North West Water, Reading Buses, Black & Decker, Pirelliand Dolland & Aitchison – and at how…


Integrated Leadership Assessment

Nancy Hrynkiw

Describes a new assessment and training system for leaders ofindividuals or teams. Details the methods used to identify currentskills and to develop potential and includes a quiz…


Counselling through Employee Assistance Programmes

Stephen King

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) provide confidential counsellingservices to employees with problems that may or may not be work related.Reports on the recently initiated EAP…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited