Management Development Review: Volume 10 Issue 7

Table of contents

Happy ever after?

Once upon a time, companies were like ocean liners. Anyone fortunate enough to secure a berth cruised through a career and disembarked at retirement age. Those days have gone…


Hungry for feedback?

Highlights the increasing interest in how and why employees seek feedback on their performance, the role it plays in their ability to learn from past behavior and improve on it…


Is your boss bypassing you?

Evil communications corrupt good manners ‐ and a good deal more besides. Examines what to do when a superior is interfering in the day‐to‐day running of your department.


Flat organizations can puncture employee morale

Your company may be flatter, leaner and fitter, but how do the employees feel about it? While modern work methods can bring about significant advantages for the workforce, some…


All work and no play may be harming your business

Laughter, play and a sense of humor are key tools for improving communication. They can help team members to become more creative, collaborative and customer‐centered. They can…


How far can you go?

How far can an employer go in favouring women when taking on staff or promoting someone, and still remain within the bounds of European law? What has a state or an employer the…


Creative teams at Hewlett‐Packard

Hewlett‐Packard has earned a reputation for excellent products and methods of production. Illustrates the role which creative teams have played in the company’s success.


Winning is as easy as … ABB

Like so much else at transport‐equipment and electrical giant ABB, management development is based on achieving a distinctive balance between national and international…


Cable and Wireless makes the right connections

Co‐ordinating the moves of employees from one country to another in a multinational like Cable and Wireless is a major challenge. The company’s international resourcing and…


Supervisors shine at Pilkington Glass

A training programme for supervisors at the float‐glass manufacturing subsidiary of UK glassmaker Pilkington boosted supervisors’ skills, increased quality and cut costs. Savings…


Centres of excellence at Texas Instruments

Dallas‐based Texas Instruments has formed centres of excellence, to train people to meet the company’s future needs and help to place employees where they are needed most…


Kodak develops a new way of working

When Eastman Kodak decided to change from a traditional organization aligned by function to a focus on customers and corporate success, it recognized the fact that teams…


GE Plastics builds teams out of rivals

GE Plastics, a division of the General Electric Co., came up with a simple yet powerful idea for teambuilding ‐ by putting its employees to work helping the community. Describes…


Lessons in teamwork: the 3M experience

Participation, teamwork, innovation, risk‐taking and empowerment. We all know the buzz words. But how do we bring the concepts successfully to fruition? Provides some important…


General Electric makes its reward system pay

Many managers pay their star performers too little and their inefficient employees too much. Pay plans often send employees the wrong message or no message at all. Outlines a few…


Polaroid develops through reflection

Managers have always placed a higher value on action than reflection. Most of them work at an unrelenting pace, focussing on a specific issue for a short period of time, then…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited