Management Development Review: Volume 10 Issue 3
Table of contents
How new technology can boost the learning organization
Computer‐based training has been around for a while, but available technology has limited its impact. Recently, more powerful personal computers (PCs), laser‐disk storage and…
Getting to know you …
It has become almost a cliché to say that successful companies make the best use of the talents of their individual employees. But how does a firm actually go about capturing and…
Operation Centurion fortifies Philips
Dutch multinational Philips Electronics went through a crisis in 1990, as its share price plunged. Operation Centurion was launched. The programme, which takes a long‐term view…
Real power to the people
This article clears the air around the somewhat fuzzy image of empowerment.
Is the spirit willing?
Companies can raise the spirit of their employees with gimmicky motivation programs, but this article argues that the new enthusiasm will not last long in a firm which lacks clear…
Bringing out the best in today’s young people
Your company has a rising young star who is energetic, hardworking and good at his job. You pay him a great salary and provide generous benefits. But still he expresses his…
Golden oldies?
Yesterday’s “baby‐boomers” are the pensioners of tomorrow. The “graying” of the population in most Western countries is a phenomenon that financial services, health care and even…
Concurrent marketing poses a major HR challenge
Just as concurrent engineering can improve manufacturing responsiveness, many companies wrestling with rapid change in today’s markets can benefit from concurrent marketing. The…
The role of communications in business success
Research and experience show that employees are most highly motivated and make their greatest contribution to the business when there is full and open communication at the…
How to change your boss
Your boss has a couple of habits that drive you crazy. If he or she would just change them your job would be so much more satisfying. Presents a five‐point plan to modify the way…
Multimedia training system shines in the showroom
The automotive industry is fairly traditional when it comes to training. Companies generally hire a vendor who delivers a packaged program. A lot of “off the shelf” and generic…
Anglia Water taps into employees’ potential
People who feel secure in their work perform better than those who do not. But the modern company usually cannot offer employees the security it once could. Temporary contracts…
The Dow Chemical Company’s formula for succession
The giant Dow Chemical Company recently went through a successful exercise in succession planning. Here, Frank Popoff, chairman of the board, shares some thoughts on the…
Empowering employees to delight customers at FedEx
Federal Express has been involved in the customer‐satisfaction process for some 20 years. The company believes that the key to customer satisfaction is satisfying employees. Chris…