International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow: Volume 32 Issue 2
Table of contents
Temperature distribution analysis in a fully wet moving radial porous fin by finite element method
B.J. Gireesha, G. Sowmya, Madhu MachaThis paper aims to study the temperature performance with natural convection and radiation effect on a porous fin in fully wet condition.
Radiation heat transfer within a solar system considering nanofluid flow inside the absorber tube
Zahra Ebrahimpour, Mohsen Sheikholeslami, Seyyed Ali Farshad, Ahmad ShafeeThis paper aims to model solar unit equipped with mirrors with numerical simulation. To augment the efficiency of system, absorber pipe was equipped with fins and nanomaterial was…
MHD flow of MgO-Ag/water hybrid nanofluid past a moving slim needle considering dual solutions: an applicable model for hot-wire anemometer analysis
Saeed Dinarvand, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi, Mohammad Yousefi, Mohammadreza Nademi RostamiThe purpose of this paper is to study the steady laminar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow of a magnesium oxide-silver/water hybrid nanofluid along a horizontal slim needle with…
Heat transfer promotion in channel laminar flow employing a slab with slits and inclined ribs protruding across
Shiang-Wuu Perng, Horng Wen Wu, Jun-Kuan WuThe purpose of this study is to promote laminar heat transfer from the channel heated through a slab with slits and inclined ribs protruding across.
A cell-based smoothed finite element method for incompressible turbulent flows
Mingyang Liu, Guangjun Gao, Huifen Zhu, Chen JiangThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of solving turbulent flows based on smoothed finite element method (S-FEM). Then, the differences between S-FEM and…
The homotopy perturbation method for fractional differential equations: part 2, two-scale transform
Muhammad Nadeem, Ji-Huan HeThe purpose of this paper is to find an approximate solution of a fractional differential equation. The fractional Newell–Whitehead–Segel equation (FNWSE) is used to elucidate the…
Three-dimensional flow of radiative hybrid nanofluid past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet with homogeneous-heterogeneous reaction
Najiyah Safwa Khashi'ie, Norihan Md Arifin, Natalia C. Rosca, Alin V. Rosca, Ioan PopThe purpose of this paper is to study the effects of thermal radiation and homogeneous-heterogeneous reactions in the three-dimensional hybrid nanofluid flow past a permeable…
New variational theory for coupled nonlinear fractal Schrödinger system
KangLe WangThe purpose of this paper is the coupled nonlinear fractal Schrödinger system is defined by using fractal derivative, and its variational principle is constructed by the fractal…
Thermo-structural analysis of a honeycomb-type volumetric absorber for concentrated solar power applications
Masoud Behzad, Benjamin Herrmann, Williams R. Calderón-Muñoz, José M. Cardemil, Rodrigo BarrazaVolumetric air receivers experience high thermal stress as a consequence of the intense radiation flux they are exposed to when used for heat and/or power generation. This study…
Instability of hydromagnetic Couette flow for hybrid nanofluid through porous media with small suction and injection effects
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Cédric Gervais Njingang Ketchate, DIdier Fokwa, Ghislain TchuenThis paper aims to investigate a linear and temporal stability analysis of hybrid nanofluid flow between two parallel plates filled with a porous medium and whose lower plate is…
Irreversibility analysis of the couple stress hybrid nanofluid flow under the effect of electromagnetic field
Taza Gul, Abdul Qadeer, Wajdi Alghamdi, Anwar Saeed, Safyan Mukhtar, Muhammad JawadThis paper aims to consider the heat transportation together with irreversibility analysis for the flow of couple stress hybrid nanofluid past over a stretching surface. The…
Effects of hydromagnetic and chemical reaction over a stagnation point flow of horizontal stretching/shrinking cylinder in Ag-CuO/water hybrid nanofluid
Nur Adilah Liyana Aladdin, Norfifah BachokThis paper aims to explore on stagnation point flow of Ag-CuO/water over a horizontal stretching/shrinking cylinder by adding the effect of chemical reaction, B together with the…
Implementation of a multi-layer radiation propagation model for simulation of microwave heating in hydrate reservoirs
Akash K. Gupta, Rahul Yadav, Malay K. Das, Pradipta K. PanigrahiThis paper aims to present the implementation of a multi-layer radiation propagation model in simulations of multi-phase flow and heat transfer, for a dissociating methane hydrate…
Linear stability analysis of non-Newtonian blood flow with magnetic nanoparticles: application to controlled drug delivery
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Cédric Gervais Njingang Ketchate, Didier Fokwa, Ghislain TchuenFor this purpose, a linear stability analysis based on the Navier–Stokes and Maxwell equations is made leading to an eigenvalue differential equation of the modified…
Stability analysis on the kerosene nanofluid flow with hybrid zinc/aluminum-oxide (ZnO-Al2O3) nanoparticles under Lorentz force
LiJun Zhang, Tayyaba Nazar, M.M. Bhatti, Efstathios E. MichaelidesThe flow and heat transfer of a hybrid nanofluid composed of kerosene and ZnO-Al2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) is investigated. The flow occurs over complex surfaces with stretching and…
Physical–numerical parameters in turbulent simulations of natural convection on three-dimensional square plates
Sílvio Aparecido Verdério Júnior, Vicente Luiz Scalon, Santiago del Rio Oliveira, Mario Cesar ItoThis paper aims to study, experimentally validate and select the main physical and numerical parameters of influence in computational numerical simulations to evaluate mean heat…
Thermal performance of parabolic-trough solar collector using double-population LBM with single-node/curved scheme and experimental evaluation on properties of SiO2-TiO2/EG nanofluid
Alireza Shariatifard, Emad Hasani Malekshah, Narges AkbarThis paper aims to analyze the effect of absorber’s geometry and operating fluid on the thermal and hydrodynamic behaviors of a solar collector. Two different profiles are…
Mixed convection flow of a hybrid nanofluid past a vertical wedge with thermal radiation effect
Natalia C. Roșca, Alin V. Roșca, Ioan PopThe purpose of this paper is to numerically study the problem of mixed convection flow of a hybrid nanofluid past a vertical wedge with thermal radiation effect.
Nanofluid jet impingement heating of a cooled surface with a constant heat flux in the presence of porous layer
Oktay Çiçek, A. Cihat BaytaşThe purpose of this study is to numerically investigate the confined single-walled carbon nanotube-water nanofluid jet impingement heating of a cooled surface with a uniform heat…
Application of SPD-RBF method of lines for solving nonlinear advection–diffusion–reaction equation with variable coefficients
Hamid Mesgarani, Mahya Kermani, Mostafa AbbaszadehThe purpose of this study is to use the method of lines to solve the two-dimensional nonlinear advection–diffusion–reaction equation with variable coefficients.

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Roland Lewis