International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow: Volume 30 Issue 3


Table of contents

Memory-dependent derivative effect on wave propagation of micropolar thermoelastic medium under pulsed laser heating with three theories

Mohamed I.A. Othman, Sudip Mondal

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the phase-lag models (Lord-Shulman, dual-phase-lag and three-phase-lag) to study the effect of memory-dependent derivative and the…

Numerical simulation of buckling and asymmetric behavior of flexible filament using temporal second-order immersed boundary method

Mithun Kanchan, Ranjith Maniyeri

The purpose of this paper is to perform two-dimensional numerical simulation involving fluid-structure interaction of flexible filament. The filament is tethered to the bottom of…

Pseudoplastic natural convection flow and heat transfer in a cylindrical vertical cavity partially filled with a porous layer

Kasra Ayoubi Ayoubloo, Mohammad Ghalambaz, Taher Armaghani, Aminreza Noghrehabadi, Ali J. Chamkha

This paper aims to theoritically investigate the free convection flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian fluid with pseudoplastic behavior in a cylindrical vertical cavity…

Entropy generation analysis during MHD natural convection flow of hybrid nanofluid in a square cavity containing a corrugated conducting block

Tahar Tayebi, Ali J. Chamkha

The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of magnetic field on entropy generation and natural convection inside an enclosure filled with a hybrid nanofluid and having a…

Oscillatory shear flow between two parallel plates for viscoelastic constitutive model of distributed-order derivative

Jun-Sheng Duan, Lian Chen

The purpose of this study is to investigate viscoelastic properties for the constitutive equation in terms of distributed-order derivatives.

Numerical investigation of heat transfer of laminar and turbulent pulsating Al2O3/water nanofluid flow

S. Hoseinzadeh, P.S. Heyns, H. Kariman

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the heat transfer of laminar and turbulent pulsating Al203/water nanofluid flow in a two-dimensional channel. In the laminar flow…

A linearity-preserving vertex interpolation algorithm for cell-centered finite volume approximations of anisotropic diffusion problems

Di Yang, Zhiming Gao

A finite volume scheme for diffusion equations on non-rectangular meshes is proposed in [Deyuan Li, Hongshou Shui, Minjun Tang, J. Numer. Meth. Comput. Appl., 1(4)(1980)217–224…

Lagrange crisis and generalized variational principle for 3D unsteady flow

Ji-Huan He

A three-dimensional (3D) unsteady potential flow might admit a variational principle. The purpose of this paper is to adopt a semi-inverse method to search for the variational…

Flow and heat transfer past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet in Cu−Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid

Rusya Iryanti Yahaya, Norihan M. Arifin, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop

The purpose of this paper is to study the flow and heat transfer of a hybrid nanofluid, Cu–Al2O3/water, past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet. The effects of Brownian motion…

Numerical simulation of the fractional Lienard’s equation

Razan Alchikh, Suheil Khuri

The purpose of this paper is to apply an efficient semi-analytical method for the approximate solution of Lienard’s equation of fractional order.

A fourth-order accurate finite difference method to evaluate the true transient behaviour of natural convection flow in enclosures

Nagesh Babu Balam, Akhilesh Gupta

Modelling accurately the transient behaviour of natural convection flow in enclosures been a challenging task because of a variety of numerical errors which have limited achieving…

A comparative study of Al2O3 and TiO2 nanofluid flow over a wedge with non-linear thermal radiation

Paluru Sreedevi, P. Sudarsana Reddy, Mikhail Sheremet

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of chemical reaction and thermal radiation on mixed convection flow, heat and mass transfer characteristics of nanofluid through…

An efficient and accurate method for transient heat conduction in a periodic structure with moving heat sources

Haichao Cui, Qiang Gao, Xiaolan Li, Huajiang Ouyang

This paper aims to propose an efficient and accurate method to analyse the transient heat conduction in a periodic structure with moving heat sources.


MHD stagnation-point flow and heat transfer past a stretching/shrinking sheet in a hybrid nanofluid with induced magnetic field

Mohamad Mustaqim Junoh, Fadzilah Md Ali, Norihan Md Arifin, Norfifah Bachok, Ioan Pop

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the steady magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) boundary layer stagnation-point flow of an incompressible, viscous and electrically conducting…

Thermogravitational convection of Al2O3-H2O nanoliquid in a square chamber with intermittent blocks

Mikhail A. Sheremet, Hakan F. Öztop, Nidal Abu-Hamdeh

The purpose of this study is to work on heat transfer enhancement within different engineering cavities is the major aim of most technical solutions. Such intensification can be…

Two new Painlevé-integrable extended Sakovich equations with (2 + 1) and (3 + 1) dimensions

Abdul-Majid Wazwaz

The purpose of this paper is to introduce two new Painlevé-integrable extended Sakovich equations with (2 + 1) and (3 + 1) dimensions. The author obtains multiple soliton…

Comparison between thermal resistances of optimized water-based and gallium-based heat sinks using the genetic algorithm

Xiong Xiang, Yu Fan, Wei Liu, Aiwu Fan

The purpose of this paper is to compare the thermal resistances between optimized gallium- and water-based heat sinks to show which one is superior.

Variational multi-scale finite element method for the two-phase flow of polymer melt filling process

Xuejuan Li, Ji-Huan He

The purpose of this paper is to develop an effective numerical algorithm for a gas-melt two-phase flow and use it to simulate a polymer melt filling process. Moreover, the…

Developing a low-fluid pressure safety valve design through a numerical analysis approach

T. Barbaryan, S. Hoseinzadeh, P.S. Heyns, M.S. Barbaryan

This study aims to develop a new design for the fluid-safety valve to make it more environmentally friendly.

Stable method for solving the Cauchy problem with the use of Chebyshev polynomials

Magda Joachimiak, Michał Ciałkowski, Andrzej Frąckowiak

The purpose of this paper is to present the method for solving the inverse Cauchy-type problem for the Laplace’s equation. Calculations were made for the rectangular domain with…

Entropy generation analysis of nanoliquid flow through microchannel considering heat source and different shapes of nanoparticle

B.J. Gireesha, S. Sindhu

This paper aims to focus on the steady state flow of nanoliquid through microchannel with the aid of internal heat source and different shapes of nanoparticle. The influence of MoS

The coupled lattice Boltzmann simulation of free convection in a finned L-shaped cavity filled with nanofluid

Peng Zhang, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Zhenling Liu, Wan-Xi Peng, David Ross

This paper aims to investigate the free convection, heat transfer and entropy generation numerically and experientially. A numerical/experimental investigation is carried out to…

Effect of finite wall thickness on entropy generation and natural convection in a nanofluid-filled partially heated square cavity

Muhamad Safwan Ishak, Ammar I. Alsabery, A. Chamkha, Ishak Hashim

The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of finite wall thickness on the natural convection and entropy generation in a square cavity filled with Al2O3–water nanofluid in…


A multiphase SPH framework for solving the evaporation and combustion process of droplets

Dudou Wang, Hongfu Qiang, Chao Shi

This paper aims to introduce a two-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) framework for simulating the evaporation and combustion process of fuel droplets.

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  • Prof Roland Lewis